Using the power of scent magic, these candles help to raise your vibrational energy.

Each candle has been created with a specific intention in mind, using the wisdom from ancient scent rituals to awaken and captivate your senses.


What People Are Saying


“Mama Moon candles have been a staple in my home life since their magical inception! I am especially in love with “Spiritual Bleach”...divine! I instantly feel revived and comforted when I walk into a room anointed with these candles. Thank you, Mama Moon!!!”

— Suwindi, Poland

“The quality is on par with Dypitique and Jo Malone, but with a bit of magic thrown in! I'm so happy to have this bit of luxury in my life.”

— Georgia Platt, London

“Mama moon candles not only enhance my spell work..   there energy and smell lift every corner off my home..  they arrive in a beautiful bag and box such a wonderful gift  for anyone not just for magic work...”

— Sonia, Cambridge